Calls for Action at the TSRA Annual General Meeting
The TSRA Annual General Meeting was held Friday and Saturday in Buda. The Committee Meetings took place at the Hampton Inn and Suites on Friday. The Members Meeting and Luncheon were at the Buda Cabela’s on Saturday.
Attendees received updates from the TSRA Officers, Board of Directors, and Headquarters. These updates included information on TSRA Chapters, Advertising, Social Media, Scholarships and more. Members were also informed about new member benefits that will start soon. The TSRA Team has been doing a lot over the last year to bring more to our members. This work continues to ensure that our mission is fulfilled. There are many ways TSRA Members can support our organization and help.
“There is life after life,” said TSRA Match Director, Odie Hitt. “Upgrade your membership!”
Hitt’s comment was directed at the TSRA upper-level members. Life Members looking for ways to help can upgrade their membership to a higher level. More than half of the total TSRA Membership are Life Members. There are 3 membership levels above Life.
Recurring contributions to TSRA and the TSRA PAC are another option. Second Vice President Hannah Muegge reminded the audience about the TSRA Legislative Team. She shared the importance of contributing to the TSRA PAC. “A lobbyist job is not fundraising for us,” emphasized Muegge. “So, this is a call to action. Let’s not forget about our PAC.”
Another option to support TSRA is with a recurring contribution to the Alamo Society. "I spend more than that on coffee," shared TSRA Past President, David Stroud. "If 10% of our members contributed to it, we'd see a huge change in our organization."
Participation in TSRA without financial cost is encouraged too. Members were reminded that voting matters, and that TSRA voting is no different. Only 165 members voted in the most recent Director ballot. “Many have come and gone before us to give us the right to vote,” said Past President Wayne Nunn.
As always, members are encouraged to double their membership. This is done by signing up one other person to join our organization. Gift Memberships are also available. If every TSRA Member got 1 person to sign up this year, our total count will be doubled at our next AGM.
Full details on the AGM will be available in the May/June issue of the TSRA Sportsman. This magazine is exclusive to TSRA Members. If you are not already a TSRA Member, please visit to sign up today!
Story by Marissa Brinkman (
March 3, 2025